Queen Valley

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Cup & Saucer Vine - Cobea scandens

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Cup & Saucer Vine -Cobea scandens

Available now in the nursery.

Luxurious in so many ways.

A fantastic and very satisfying vine with gorgeous bell shaped purple flowers that look too good to be true. But it’s true! In one season it will quickly cover a wall or fence if it’s in a happy spot. Cobea wants something to climb on: fence, trellis, wires, tree. A very quick grower. Give rich, well-drained soil. It likes sun but can take some morning or afternoon shade. Protect from deer. It is generally an annual in zone 8 climate but can overwinter in a protected location. Flowers are great for cutting!

Type: Annual / Tender Perennial

Family: Polemoniacea

Native to: Mexico, Central America

Zone: perennial in zone 9+

Height: 20’+

Bloom Time: Summer, Fall

Bloom Color: Purple or White

Sun: Sun, Pt Shade

Water: Appreciates summer water and rich soil.

Notes: Flowers and seedpods are great for cutting.