Queen Valley

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Rusty Foxglove - Digitalis ferruginea

plant highlight

Rusty Foxglove -Digitalis ferruginea

Available now in the nursery.

The Rusty Foxglove, with its tightly packed spires of creamy-honey-brown blooms, is a subtly striking and resilient option for the unfenced perennial garden. The unique bloom color and height of Digitalis ferruginea is as equally impressive as it is unpretentious. It is great in a vase and loved by pollinators.

Type: Short Lived Perennial

Family: Plantaginacea

Native to: South Eastern Europe

Zone: 4-8

Height: 3-5’

Bloom Time: Summer

Bloom Color: Creamy Burnt Sugar

Sun: Sun, Pt Shade

Water: Medium

Notes: Loved by bees and hummingbirds.  Deer resistant. All parts are poisonous. .