Dahlia 'Butterfly'

Dahlia 'Butterfly'
Hello ‘Butterfly’! This cheery single dahlia was one of many seedlings that volunteered themselves in my garden several years ago. The soft butter yellow and deep maroon center caught my attention. The blooms are held on spindly dark purple stems, and seem to flutter in the air like butterflies.
Type: single
Blossom size: 4″
Plant height: 3’ - 4′
Bloom time: July – October
Dahlias are tuberous rooted perennials native to Mexico and Central America, and can be grown as perennials in zones 8b and above if conditions allow. In zones 7 and below, dahlia tubers must be dug and stored for the winter. Dahlias perform best in a location with full sun and good drainage. Review our dahlia care guide for more tips on growing dahlias in your garden.
All dahlia tubers will be shipped via USPS in late April/early May unless otherwise requested.
Prices shown are for 1 tuber.